Smash Life Podcast First Episode Released!

Our very first Smash Life Podcast Episode has been released! Directors Andy & Matt sat down and interviewed 'Wolfie' an ex bodyguard to the stars, music record label owner, gym manager and now author ! The very first episode can be watched on the Smash Life Official Youtube Channel here is the link: Click Here To Watch The Smash Life Podcast First Episode ! [...]

Smash Life Woodland Feedback

Smash Life We Really do appreciate this feedback from Shropshire Council Virtual School regarding our “woodland experience” for children We BELIEVE in not just talking about connection and relational approaches BUT modelling this when it matters the most - SO the children FEEL it. A connection is earned through repetition and the children feeling safe, secure, valued and around adults invested in them. We LOVE [...]

Shropshire Virtual School Head Smash Life Service Feedback

We are very fortunate we have developed our mentoring service over the last six years. We have been mentioned in two Outstanding OFSTED reports for Children & Young Peoples Services. We have also supported well over 1000 young people in that time in mentoring and our group work projects. So when our old corporate parent who we have been working alongside and supporting young people [...]

The New Term Kicks Off With A Bang!

Smash Life Welcome back everyone to the Academic Year 2024/25 - we have certainly arrived back with a BANG ! We were invited on Monday to travel to Dudley and deliver our “Through The Eyes Of A Child In Pain” training to Milking Bank Primary School & a neighbouring school - it was lovely to provide this training to the WHOLE school as supporting, caring [...]

Smash Life Help Telford & Wrekin Achieve OFSTED ‘OUTSTANDING’ rating for the second time!

  OFSTED RATED OUTSTANDING! Smash Life were delighted to be informed by our wonderful virtual school partners at Telford & Wrekin Council that the Children’s Services had been rated ‘Outstanding’ by a recent OFSTED inspection. Why are we shouting about this? Smash Life was given its first opportunity by this local authority when a lot of other doors closed and professional’s  waved away the ‘Lived [...]

Keynote Feedback From Derbyshire Virtual School!

Andy & Matt recently travelled to Derbyshire to deliver a powerful keynote around education to lots of professionals from schools who attended the Derbyshire Virtual School Attachment Relational Aware Schools Conference. Andy and Matt are on the ground in schools every week along with the Smash Life staff so designing a talk which gives key points of learning for staff around education is one Smash [...]

Nexus Foster Care Smash Life Training Feedback

Foster Carer Training Feedback! Last Friday Matt & Andy we’re invited to spend the day with foster carers from Nexus Fostering in Telford We were able to use our lived experience and our many years in social care working alongside professionals and foster carers to deliver training which we hope educated, informed and inspired. We loved our time with the foster carers - sometimes like [...]

Smash Life Ealing Council Virtual School Keynote Feedback!

Directors Andy & Matt were in London delivering a Keynote talk for teachers, designated teachers and professionals at the Ealing Council Virtual School Conference. It was lovely to deliver a “Through the eyes of a child in care” talk to remind everyone of the realities many children that are suffering in life face - challenges we face and STILL see - beyond the school gates [...]

Five Ways Foster Carers Training Amazing Feedback !

Directors Andy & Matt travelled to Chesterfield to deliver a talk / training to Fiver Rivers Childcare foster carers and team We spent such a great few hours with some really child centred and committed foster carers who definitely lead from the heart. Mixed with our lived experience, professional experiences / observations and what children tell our service on a daily basis through our [...]

Smash Life Didn’t Stop During Easter !

Smash Life didn't stop during Easter ! Andy, Matt & Smash Life Mentor Dee started off in Dudley to deliver the second Smashing Life Into Independence Project to post 16 young people in care. Workshops on budgeting , car maintenance, cooking, independent living schools and much more were delivered over a two week period to an enthusiastic group identified by Dudley Virtual School - big [...]

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