Last Monday we had a lovely evening providing our “Through The Eyes Of A Child In Pain” CPD training for teachers, support staff and senior leadership at Millbrook Primary School in Telford.
Despite already having been in work all day we were delighted with the commitment, engagement, energy and child centred passion shown by everyone attending.
We were delighted with the feedback and we agree – there was alot to fit into a couple of hours BUT we are so happy we helped people reconnect with their “WHY” understand that education may not be the primary focus for children who come from many different home life’s and circumstances and that in order to make a meaningful difference in a child’s life you have to have a CONNECTION and that takes time….BUT once this is established a child can THRIVE
We LOVE what we do – we hope everyone could FEEL that we lead from the heart which had grown from our deep rooted WHY. We try to make difficult topics engaging, interactive, fun and informative and we hope this is felt.
Thanks so much to Millbrook for the lovely welcome, engagement and the connection we witness with children on every visit – we appreciate it .
For more info on our school CPD packages please email