Meet our amazing staff team! Click or tap to find out about our dedicated ‘Smash Life’ team members, who under the leadership of Matt and Andy, have been able to support countless numbers of children and young people through empathy, holistic approach and kindness on their journey through difficulty and trauma. We are exceptionally proud of our hard working team, who all uphold the company ethos of ‘Leading from the heart’

Andy Smith

Managing Director of Smash Life

Andy realised he had a passion to engage children and young people and started working with young people as a play leader in the summer of 2000. During this time Andy had moved in with supportive lodgings carers and was studying for a BTEC in Sports Science at Shrewsbury College of Arts And Technology. Andy quickly established the importance of hard work and also had two other jobs at college working at a local restaurant as a kitchen porter and at Perfect Pizza.

Following the completion of his college course Andy Moved to Chester University to study Sports Science. Andy admits the University lifestyle and his avoidance, lack of support from the trauma he suffered as a child in care led him onto a path of self destruction. Andy failed his first year at University, but enrolled onto a Geography degree. This is where Andy flourished and realised he could not be a victim of his past and graduated with a 2:2 BA hons degree in 2006.

Following the completion of his degree and bringing an end to four years living in Chester Andy secured a job as “Support and Guidance worker” working for the Leaving Care Team at Shropshire County Council. This was where Andy would really shape his skills and enhance his desire to work with the most vulnerable young people in the community.  Andy felt that this job gave him a sense of purpose and that the young people he supported were inspired by his journey in care and positive approach. During this role Andy was also successful in landing an internship as an advisor for the Associate Parliament Group for looked After Children offering advice around policy and change for young people as well as championing the Young Persons voice.

Andy has since worked for local councils, and the NHS leading and supporting various health projects targeting at enhancing the wellbeing of children, young people and adults. Andy particually enjoyed working on a project called Telford Green Gym where he worked on a day to day basis introducing adults to exercising in green spaces enhancing their community as well as their own wellbeing. Andy admits this also had a positive effect on his own wellbeing working in a calm and therapeutic environment.

Andy then ran a project in a community in Telford, being a positive role model as a community Development Worker in a community that had been rocked by CSE and ASB. Andy found this is where he came into his own, working with different age groups, cultures and learning how to effectively educate, inspire and bring people together promoting community cohesion.

For the past 14 years Andy has worked extensively with vulnerable young people and adults, managed staff and volunteers and has recently joined forces with his brother Matt to form Smash Life utilising both their personal and professional experiences to inform, educate and inspire young people and fellow professionals through shared life mentoring, talks, training, group work and consultancy.

Andy has always maintained that working directly with young people, his love of sport, football and living a healthy lifestyle with a positive attitude has been the main constant in his life and something that acts as a form of therapy. Through Andy’s love of sport and exercise and Matt’s love of Music, Smash life are able to offer vulnerable young people a positive diversion.

In 2019 Andy alongside his brother Matt won the Shrewsbury Town Council Mayors Award for ‘making a difference to young people’ as part of Smash Life’s outstanding work within the area. Smash Life have been nominated for the National Community Organisation Award for AGE at The National Diversity Awards 2020 in association with ITV news and have been mentioned in Telford & Wrekin Council Outstanding OFSTED report in 2020.  Telford & Wrekin was the first Council outside London to go from Requires Improvement (2016) to OUTSTANDING! and the only Council in the West Midlands and North West to be OUTSTANDING!

Having sold out their Smash Life Launch Event in 2019 the Smith brothers have gone onto to be booked by Universities, Private Foster Care Organisations, Safeguarding Conferences, Schools, Colleges, Charities, Pupil Referral Units, to talk to CEO’s, managers, professionals, students and young people around the UK. These powerful talks have a clear aim, to improve practice amongst professionals and inspire the next generation of young people who may themselves suffered early childhood traumas.

Watch out for public Smash Life Talks which you can buy tickets for and see it for yourself.

Matt Smith

Director of Smash Life

Matt started working with young people as a playleader for Shropshire Council in the summer of 2000 all whilst still coming to terms with his own childhood abuse. Despite failing college because of his chaotic home life Matt then went onto achieve a 2:1 BA honours degree at Leicester De Montfort University in Youth & Community Development. Whilst at university and as part of his course Matt worked in a community project supporting adults with mental health illness’s and then at Leicester YMCA within a Lifeskills project. During this second placement Matt was offered a job at Leicester YMCA working as part of the community education division with NEET young people aged 16 -25 years of age within a hostel setting. Matt was nominated and won a ‘Making a Difference’ award by the very young people he worked alongside during this time.

Matt then successfully secured a job back at Shropshire Council and was employed as a youth worker managing various youth clubs and projects in schools within the Shrewsbury area. Matt also worked as a drugs and alcohol educator for the charity Choices, where he went and spoke/delivered workshops in many secondary schools, colleges, youth clubs to young people and adults about drugs and alcohol.

Matt has also supported The Care Council Crew in Shrewsbury, a project set up to listen and advocate for the voices of young people within the care system as well as facilitating various trips and award evenings. Matt has also been commissioned to carry out research on young people’s views and opinions on growing up in the care system and the service they have received by Shropshire Council.

Matt was then moved into a role during the economic recession to one of a Targeted Youth Worker within the Early Help Safeguarding Team, working with young people and families with complex needs from 2011 -2019. This role within Early Help main aim was to stop the breakdown of families so that young people were not placed into the care system. Matt’s role involved going into families homes, working alongside young people, parents and social services by providing a robust plan as a lead professional to empower and make positive changes and oversee and bring in other professionals expertise if they were needed. In the event of concerns being raised or the situation for a particular family getting worse an in depth knowledge of the Safeguarding system was required in order to keep young people safe.

In 2019 Matt left Shropshire Council to begin work alongside his brother Andy at Smash Life. Smash Life then went onto win the Shrewsbury Town Council Mayors Award for ‘making a difference to young people’ as part of Smash Life’s outstanding work within the area. Smash Life have been nominated for the National Community Organisation Award for AGE at The National Diversity Awards 2020 in association with ITV news and have been mentioned in Telford & Wrekin Council Outstanding OFSTED report in 2020.  Telford & Wrekin was the first Council outside London to go from Requires Improvement (2016) to OUTSTANDING! and the only Council in the West Midlands and North West to be OUTSTANDING!

Having sold out their Smash Life Launch Event in 2019 the Smith brothers have gone onto to be booked by Universities, Private Foster Care Organisations, Safeguarding Conferences, Schools, Colleges, Charities, Pupil Referral Units, to talk to CEO’s, managers, professionals, students and young people around the UK. These powerful talks have a clear aim, to improve practice amongst professionals and inspire the next generation of young people who may themselves suffered early childhood traumas.

Watch out for public Smash Life Talks which you can buy tickets for and see it for yourself.

For the past fourteen years Matt has also managed and performed as a singer/guitarist in various event party bands and has gigged extensively throughout the UK and abroad at various corporate and private occasions. In 2019 Matt’s current band Sonic Boom won ‘The Best Wedding Band in the West Midlands’ by Event Entertainment.

In 2012 Matt released his first solo EP of his own original music under his musical persona ‘Sonnetsmith’. Matt continues to write songs under Sonnetsmith and will continue to release them alongside future Smash Life videos – so watch this space!

Emma Jones

Admin / Mentor

Emma is excited to be joining us as our new administrative assistant and mentor.

She will be taking on the role to help in all areas of Smash life behind the scenes and assisting in helping Smash life as a company grow and develop.

Emma grew up in Shrewsbury and after completing her A-levels went to University in Liverpool and studied Sociology.

She spent time travelling and loved exploring the world. Back in Shrewsbury Emma worked in customer service and retail industry which she enjoyed for a time. She moved away from Shrewsbury with her now husband and they both settled in Lytham St Annes for a number of years.

Emma worked for a Primary school as a teaching assistant and the charity PIP (Play inclusion project) who were involved in helping children with disabilities or learning difficulties to be part of mainstream school life. She loved her role here, being such a big part of helping children who were struggling to make connections and supporting their parents to share in school life.

Emma supported several children in her time working at the charity in different placements of all different ages and made lifelong friends.

Back in Shrewsbury she worked in the retail industry and for a Nursery supporting children one to one with special educational needs. Emma loved being part of the children’s early lives helping with speech, play and working with other professionals.

She supported the children’s parents at a really tough time in their lives and is still in contact with some families now. She was also a big part of the team at the Nursery and working with all the staff, creating children’s activities, play, and progressing and developing children’s learning.

Emma moved up to Newcastle and Sunderland with her husband for several years after this, taking time to bring up their first child and renovating their home in Shrewsbury in this time. She found this to be a very hard time as a new mum and being away from family, not having the support or the same social networks which has given her huge empathy and understanding of the worlds of many children in care. She found fitness and her connections through this to be a lifeline.

Emma believes it’s never too late to try something new or change where you want to be.

Her passion for fitness grew even more once she had children and continued to struggle in confidence to get back to where she was, she is now a qualified Personal trainer and postnatal exercise specialist which she is continuing to grow, and hopes will be able to bring this to her mentoring in the future.

In her personal life Emma is a busy parent to two young children with her husband and they have two crazy dogs. So, you can usually find her on a long dog walk out in the muddy Shrewsbury countryside where they live. Emma spends a lot of her time at the side of a footy pitch, cricket pitch or gymnastics cheering on her kids. She believes it’s important to build their confidence and help them learn what they love, learn new skills and be part of a team. Emma enjoys being active in all areas of life whether it be a long walk, running, a bike ride or playing cricket and football with her two kids, they all love nothing more than being outside.

She also enjoys being out gardening in the summer months with the kids, baking and cooking healthy meals with them. Making time for her friends and family is central in her life whether it’s a walk, a meal out or just a simple cup of tea. Emma believes it is so important to find that time and connections when life gets busy.

Kevin Bartlett

Head of Media / Mentor

Kevin is the Smash Life Head of Media / Designer and is responsible for the logo design and branding of the company along with the design of our website, apparel, flyers and everything else media related.

An experienced musician and professional drummer, Kevin has 27 years of playing and touring experience with various bands. In 2014 he was fortunate enough to be able to play a short tour of the USA culminating in an appearance at Mike Portnoy’s (ex Dream Theater drummer) Progressive Nation at Sea and then the UK festival Tech Fest with his progressive metal band “Eumeria”.

Kevin has also appeared in Modern Drummer magazine and is a professional mixing / mastering engineer and producer. He currently mixes and masters for Chicago based Youtube sensations “Camille and Kennerly” AKA “the Harp Twins”. Kevin is also the drummer in the “Sonic Boom” band along with Smash Life Director Matt!

Drawing on his studio experience Smash Life are able to offer young people an in depth studio course or “studio experience” whereby they can visit a local Studio and under Kevin’s guidance, learn skills both in physical audio engineering and recording software’s that will enable them to write, produce and record their own music, as well as offering drumming masterclasses and drumming lessons.

Experiencing severe bullying during his school years, which at the time led him to suffer anxiety, become withdrawn and fake illnesses just to stay at home, Kevin was also pretending to his parents that he was attending school when in fact he was “skiving” to avoid the pain he was experiencing at the hands of his school bullies.

As a mentor Kevin is able to draw from this and other traumatic experiences during his adolescent years to offer a unique insight into how trust issues from a lack of confidence and fear can corrupt your thoughts, make you believe that you can’t succeed and ultimately leave you with massive insecurities. Kevin is able to meet young people, share his story and offer solutions with them that he found helpful to help identify their issues and together with them, work towards ways to overcome them. Many young people who have met Kevin have been inspired to go on to become musicians/drummers, finding that confidence within a positive activity!

Lee Murad

Filmographer / Mentor

Lee Murad is an experienced film maker from the North West of England who has been producing films across the UK and abroad for the last twenty years. Lee is also very experienced working in the wedding sector and most weekends you can find him travelling across the UK to film those special moments for newly-wed couples. Lee first started out producing his own short films and music videos after he graduated from Liverpool University where he completed a Film and Media studies degree.

Lee has always had a great passion for film and says: “I always wanted to be able to share my experiences as a film maker with young people to pass on my knowledge and to inspire them. When I was given the opportunity to work in the education sector I found myself working alongside children from a primary and secondary school age. I was asked to produce films on topics like Anti-Bullying and Drug & Substance misuse from a young person’s perspective and it really gave me a sense of purpose”. Lee also ran a film festival at the end of a school year which showcased young people’s own work on the big screen. Over a ten year period over six hundred short films were shown at a local cinema to give young people the full cinematic experience. Lee has found working with children and young people such a rewarding process for him personally and it has allowed young people to express themselves positively through film, given them a chance to act or direct and to help give some of them self-confidence through a positive activity.

Lee cites directors Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola as some of his favourite film makers and is an avid film goer. Lees filming style has been described by those who have booked him as cinematic and emotive as he uses a range of cameras, drones and angles to get those all-important shots.

Lee is available to be booked specifically to come into your educational setting and produce short films with young people/professionals on a range of identified issues. Lee can also be booked to film a special event or occasion (e.g. An Award Ceremony) for you and then edit the footage afterwards so you have a professional memory of it captured forever.

Janine Evett


Janine qualified as a counsellor in October 2020 and continued her learning journey as a psychology undergraduate. Her interest in mental health comes from having her own mental health struggles, which peaked after the birth of her second child in 2014.

This was when Janine’s transition really began, as she developed a hunger for working in the helping profession. Janine became disillusioned by her job in the city of London, leaving it behind to work in a secondary school as a teacher assistant to children with special educational needs. Janine did this while also embarking on a 4-year training course to provide talking therapy to adults.

Having had counselling herself, Janine understands that the idea of it can feel strange and daunting, but she also knows that if you can commit yourself to changing, you will. Janine believes counselling works, because it gives you the time and space to explore your problem in a safe, judgement free and private environment. Janine has found the most skilled counsellors are not necessarily those who have the most experience or training (although these things are also important), it’s those who show the most warmth and enable clients to feel truly accepted – so this is what she aims for in her practice.

Janine’s service is in a relaxed, informal setting. This is what she says about her approach;

“Counselling is also a bit like someone holding up a mirror against your problem. This can be challenging as it can reflect some painful truths, but it also helps bring you clarity and process the difficult thoughts and feelings that weigh on you. Nothing can change the past – but talking things through can help you to make sense of your story and heal old wounds that affect you in negative ways in the present.

Despite the benefits, many people are put off by the idea of speaking to a supposed ‘expert’. Part of this is because of the way counsellors are depicted in the media as unfriendly, unapproachable and judgemental – which is absolutely the opposite of what counselling is about! I am passionate about offering a service that is flexible, tailored to your needs and helps to bring real, meaningful change.”

Janine works in an integrative way, which means she draws from a number of psychological approaches with the aim of walking alongside you and supporting you as you uncover your story.

Gone are the days when you have to fear the ‘men in white coats! So, I encourage you to take a brave step towards feeling better. Why not reach out to me today? You can contact me through Smash Life, or feel free to browse my website at – I look forward to hearing from you”


Jane Evans


Jane has had quite a varied work life and started work at 16 in an office, moving on to selling houses for many years.  She is a firm believer in lifelong learning and that it has to be at the right time for you. So, at aged 30 after having two children, Jane went to University to study Health & Social Care and volunteer for a small charity supporting families with under five-year olds.

She then went on to work at “Stay” and supported young people (16-28 year olds) who were previously homeless, to live in supported housing and then their own tenancy, teaching life skills and developing confidence to live an independent life. Jane then went to work in Community Education at TCAT, this supported her belief that people are ready at different times in their life to study and that we all study differently and its “okay to try different things”.

While at TCAT Jane started the process with my husband, to become a Foster Carer for Telford and Wrekin Council, and has been approved as such for over 7 years, offering a loving home to children of all ages.  Fostering was something Jane always wanted to do.  She felt like they had the emotional capacity, space and love to offer a young person a supportive and stable home. She and her husband are still in contact with children who have left, and have a teenager with them now, who is very much part of the family.

It’s been wonderful to be able to offer these young people opportunities and to be their greatest supporter and advocate when needed.  It is not always easy, but Jane firmly believes that children living  “in care” deserve the same opportunities in life and she enjoys helping them reach their potential. As a Foster Carer Jane has been able to undertake short courses in bereavement, working with birth parents, safeguarding, drug and alcohol awareness and many more.

Jane’s previous longer-term role was working with Young Carers in Telford, where she ran the weekly Youth Club for over four years which provided respite for around 40 young people each week and offered activities in the holidays (which they ordinarily wouldn’t have been able to attend due to their caring role).  She loved working with the young people, seeing their progression over the years and supporting them through difficult times.

While working with the Young Carers, Jane first encountered Smash Life and loved the sound of the work that Andy and Matt were delivering.  Jane says: “I didn’t hesitate in booking them to deliver a motivational talk at first and then to deliver a day’s workshop to the young people.  I was blown away by the sessions they offered and loved the warmth, fun and understanding they offered the group.  The kids really looked up to them.  I am hugely excited to be part of the team”.

In her personal life, Jane is a parent to three teenagers and has two crazy cocker spaniels, so can often be found deep in mud on a dog walk. She has competed in the “Walk a 1000 Miles” challenge for a couple of years; enjoys baking, socialising with friends and sometimes crafting. Jane has spent many years at the side of a pitch (both rugby and football) and was a kid’s rugby manager for over 10 years.  In her own time, she is also friends to a young girl who is a carer for her mom.  Jane says: “I take her out to undertake fun activities that her caring role would normally prevent her from being able to do so”.

Dee Duell


Dee studied Performing Arts at College but soon realised she wanted to be behind the scenes in the industry, so after some consideration went down to live in London at 17 years old to study TV and Film Makeup Artistry.

Dee at 18 years old then went on  to start her successful career in TV makeup working on such shows as This Morning on ITV, being a personal makeup Artist to a well known presenter and also working on hundreds of other shows and projects over the years.

Dee always felt part of her role as a makeup artist was to listen to those that sat in her chair and be “therapist” and loved this side of her job. She was always being told she had such a kind and caring personality and a calm presence.

During her mid-twenties Dee made the move back to Shropshire after experiencing some tough times personally. She was taking some time out and that time turned into years where she gave her all to family life helping to raise her step sons and look after her family.

Dee,  having had her own struggles has always been a big believer in self help and knowing that whilst times may be hard we can always find a way out and there is no shame in asking for help.

Dee is a firm believer in doing the hard inner work to heal and with the right tools and help anyone can turn their lives around.

Dee has worked extremely hard to create a business for herself, taking herself on courses, training and utilizing her previous skills of makeup she has created a makeup and beauty business which she loves. She has a true passion for making people feel good about themselves inside and out.

These last few years have challenged Dee physically, mentally and emotionally but she has come out stronger and more resilient than ever and has developed even more understanding and empathy for people going through hard times.

Dee is incredibly passionate about health and fitness and believes that exercise is something that has saved her in those hard times.

She loves lacing up her trainers and getting out for a run to clear the mind and believes the outdoors is a great old lifter. She also loves getting in the gym to strength train and encourages people to find a form of movement they enjoy, as it is integral to helping cope with stress, release those endorphins and is such a big act of self care.

Dee loves spending her spare time seeing her family and friends, going on walks and exercising.

Just over a year ago Dee came across Smash Life and was drawn to the positivity of the company and their message. She was in awe of what they do for young people.

It started to become apparent that with Dee’s life lessons, empathy and caring personality that being part of the Smash Life team would be a great fit and she literally jumped at the chance to get on board.

Dee believes that all kids should have a loving and caring childhood but unfortunately that isn’t always the case but with Smash Life they can know that there are people who care, want to listen, support them and guide them.

Sarah O’Neill


Sarah struggled through her school years, she left school like lots of young adults. After trying a college course, Sarah instead chose to gain paid employment and began working for a local retailer. Sarah has now worked there for the past 25 years in various roles including as a manager.

Sarah has been a foster carer for a number of years completing courses such as therapeutic behaviour, safe guarding, along with some disability courses. Sarah has learnt that by being open and honest with all children that they will open up, and have those moments of “can I talk to you”

Sarah has spent many years supporting her own children with their sports, driving them around the country for trials and matches in rugby and basketball. A big thing for Sarah and bringing her children up was to ensure she was supportive and that her children have the freedom to express themselves and be able to talk about emotions.

In her spare time, Sarah enjoys spending time with her friends, and family, having game nights, meals out and going on holiday. Sarah enjoys travelling the country to see new places, she has found she enjoys camping, be it in the 1972 VW camper or a tent. Sarah also has recently found her love for baking again.

Sarah believes that everyone should be listened to and deserves to be given the chance to express themselves.

Allison Roberts


Allison began her career as a nursery nurse, working for a large private day care company with children aged between 0-11 years.

She then took on the manager role for one of these nurseries, spending the next 25 years happily working in various roles for the company, including Area Manager and Quality Assurance Manager. During this time Allison had three children of her own and was lucky enough that the children could attend the nurseries whilst she worked there. Allison’s eldest son now lives in Australia, where she also has a gorgeous young granddaughter.

However, when the time came for a change of career, Allison decided that she wanted to return to working hands on with young people and moved into the residential child care sector. Allison quickly felt that this was her vocation and something she had a true passion for.

Allison feels privileged to have then spent almost 7 years supporting and caring for vulnerable children and young people living in a children’s home. Allison was based in the same home for the majority of that time and was able to build many strong and nurturing relationships with the children in her care. Also being required to sleep in at the home, spending many hours listening to and talking to the children did she feel give her a unique insight of the enormity of their complex emotions and feelings.

It was while Allison was working at the care home that Allison first met Andy as he was mentoring one of the children who lived there. Allison was fortunate enough to witness first hand the importance Andy had in this young person’s life, and the positive affect it had on his future. Allison found this very inspirational to see and also hear about from the young person’s perspective.

Eventually deciding to go part time in this role, Allison also started to run a children’s Teepee Sleepover business alongside it which she felt took advantage of her creative abilities. Allison finds creating and setting up the teepees very enjoyable, and also loves the excitement and happiness the parties bring to the children! Allison also loves art and painted several personalised wall murals for the children in the residential home.

Allison also loves gardening, travelling, watching football and spending time with friends and family. One of Allison’s closest friends is a foster carer and Allison has undertaken extra checks so that she may at times look after her friends foster daughter, valuing the strong relationship she has now developed with her.

Now no longer working in the residential home, Allison works part with younger children again which she loves. She has however found that she has missed spending time with and supporting vulnerable children and is absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to become a mentor for Smash Life.



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