Please send us a message by filling in the contact forms on this website or via our email :
You will need to provide us with the following information before we can send you a quote :
- The date of your event
- The location of your event
- The length of time you wish our talk to be. Please choose from the following: 1/ One Hour 2/ One Hour and a Half 3/ Two Hours
- Who the audience will be
- A brief description detailing the context or aim of your event
You will then receive a reply from Smash Life stating if we are available or not along with a quote.
*Please be aware that our travel costs and the length of talk you choose will be factored into the overall quotation given to you.
For maximum impact, it is advised that you book the Smash Life brothers jointly. We are able to take bookings separately for talks at events across the UK if one of us is not available.
A Smash Life talk covers a whole range of topics and emotions. As well as having a positive message at its core a Smash Life Talk touches on:
- Resilience and how we can all build resilience and self care through advice and techniques offered.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s).
- Complex Trauma and Trauma and its impact on our mental health, relationships and adulthood.
- Attachment.
- Physical and emotional childhood abuse.
- Parenting; Responding to behaviour.
- Foster Carer / Adoption: Helping carers and parents understand children and young people you will love and care for.
- A life in Care
- School – Good/Bad approaches from teachers and school staff. How we displayed at school and why. What trauma informed approaches we believe work in schools.
- Post 16 Journeys
- What things saved us from making the wrong choices after our abusive placement. Bucking the ACE’s research and trends.
- Safeguarding young people. Signs to look for and how to create an environment where young people feel comfortable to disclose.
- A Tale of two placements in care….From an abusive placement to a therapeutic placement.
*Please note due to the content of this talk and the fact it is powerful and touches on a range of sensitive subjects a gentle fore warning for your audience is advised as it can stir a range of emotions in others listening to it.
You can book a Smash Life talk to either groups of young or professionals for the following time slots:
- 1 hour
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- 2 hours
The quote given to you or your organization will reflect the time of our talk. Please state in your booking correspondence how long you wish the talk to be ( we can be flexible and adjust the time of our Smash Life talk to cater for your event).
Any work you would like us to deliver after one of our talks will incur a small extra fee to cover our time and any materials we may need to bring which will be quoted to you during the booking stage. This could be a Q and A, group work, quiz or a meet and greet with the people in attendance.
* For schools, we have found that talks to smaller groups have had more impact with a chance to reflect, participate in group work and take part in an interactive quiz based on our talks. This encourages more interaction and focus on encouraging talking and participation. Please ensure a member of staff, pastoral lead or safeguarding team is present to pick up or observe any behaviour that could lead to a disclosure from a talk delivered to young people. This talk touches on abuse which could resonate with some individuals own personal life experiences.
Due to the adult content and hard hitting nature of the talk, we advise that audience members are aged thirteen years old and above. We would also recommend that in schools a safeguarding lead should be present. We encourage staff to be vigilant in looking for reactions as our talks may resonate with some young people.
In order for us to deliver the best possible Smash Life talk we would require the following to be provided:
- Projector screen (for video and presentation of imagery).
- 2 x lapel microphones or handheld microphones so that your audience can hear us (especially for large conferences or rooms).
- Technical assistance on the day so that we are able to turn up and plug our presentation in via USB stick and have backup if a technical problem occurs whilst we are on stage.
- An appropriate room for the size of audience you want us to deliver our talk to.
- A designated Car parking space at your chosen venue especially if we are bringing our own microphones and PA System and are not familiar with the area.
- We do not demand a stage for our talks as every venue is different but for larger audiences (around hundred plus people) we do advise you think about whether a raised platform or stage area is needed for your audience to fully engage in our talk.
*We have a Professional PA system /Wireless Microphones which can cater for upto three hundred people. Please let us know when booking us for a talk if you require us to bring them with us and we will factor this into the overall quote given to you. If you also require any mood lighting for your chosen room we are also able to provide this whilst our talk is being delivered. Setting a great ambience to make your audience feel comfortable and relaxed is very important and can not be underestimated to deliver the best possible Smash Life Talk.
Yes. We are used to and love traveling across the UK and abroad to deliver our talks as we enjoy meeting new people from all walks of life. Please notify us of the venue address during the booking stage.
*Please note that if your venue requires us to travel three hours and over, we will factor accommodation and travel expenses within your quote. This will be discussed within the booking stage.
Our Smash Life Mentoring is completely UNIQUE! we use a mixture of personal and professional experiences to engage, empower and raise aspirations. We like to be creative to make each session engaging and working with the children and young people we identify quickly what makes them comfortable to talk about their thoughts and feelings.
Our Shared Life unique Mentoring Scheme is able to provide a bespoke child-centred service utilising life experience and qualified positive role models to help with the following:
- Managing Feelings
- Talking about feelings
- Confidence Building
- Low Self-Esteem
- Create a Connection through a Positive Role Model
- Information Advice and Guidance
- Family Breakdowns
- Anti-Social Behavioural Issues
- Being placed into Foster Care or living in a Residential Home
- Dealing with Childhood Trauma
- Setting Achievable Life Goals
- Being Heard and Listened to
- School / Education
- Life Story Work – Creating a Memory Book
- Providing ‘Smash Life Experiences’
- We now also offer an NOCN Smash Life Accreditation which we can complete with the young people alongside our fun mentoring sessions- Please note this qualification is offered to young people aged 11-18 years of age. This accreditation will incur an extra charge on top of our mentoring fees to cover all admin fees for when the completed work is put forward to the NOCN for marking.
- We now offer Virtual Mentoring for young people who may benefit from this form of communication. This can apply to those young people with severe anxiety or to a young person who we can not get to because of geographical reasons. This makes our service UK wide! The same quality of service will be on offer and we have a secure virtual platform we use to carry out these sessions and they have proved very successful for those young people who require it.
- We can also provide ‘Smash Life Experiences’ to promote a hobby or help build young peoples aspirations. We know that not all young people have the opportunity to have the same involvement and exposure to some positive activities we may take for granted. This is due to the reality they may find themselves in growing up. We want to be a service that provides learning and enriches lives through some fun activities. We can be flexible and tailor make a mentoring programme to meet a young persons needs.
- Smash Life now offer ‘Life Story Work’. We believe this is a vital and important piece of work for young people in the care system. Having had Life Story Work completed with us growing up we know first hand how important this work is. It can also provide young people with a wider knowledge as to who they are, why they are in care, and this can help them moving forwards with their new surroundings. We can use our creativity and work alongside young people to create something they can keep and look back on in years to come.
- Smash Life now offer ‘Mediation’. We see and have seen many examples of how low level conflict can quickly escalate into bigger issues for the individuals involved and at a cost to services (NHS/Police/Courts) and sometimes families and the local community. We now offer a neutral mediation service that you can book to come into any setting to try and resolve issues between two parties or individuals. Sometimes a neutral mediator can provide a safe platform for individuals to work through their differences without violence being used whilst at the same time learn how to talk instead of acting through fear or responding to threats of intimidation. We firmly believe by providing a space where grievances can be aired, listened to and resolved peacefully it is the way forward to tackling some of societies bigger issues – like the rise in knife crime. We are all about proactive early intervention work to create communities and people in them who are emotionally intelligent.
We can provide mentors who have a mixture of personal and professional life experience which is so powerful in terms of making a connection, building trust. By showing our vulnerability we make young people feel like they are not alone and as a role model show how important it is for us all to talk, listen and share our feelings in order to create a positive future.
We have already been able to establish positive connections and relationships where we have been able to “capture the voice” of the young person which has enabled other services and professionals working with the child / young person to adapt their approach ensuring we are all working together with the same aims to help children and young people “overcome life hurdles together”.
What do we need from you?
For our mentoring to have the maximum impact we would require an appropriate lit space on your premises, enough space to talk and play games as we are very creative and don’t just expect young people to sit down in a clinical setting and talk about their problems for a whole hour. We like to stimulate discussions by doing various fun activities inside and outside to promote discussion, learning and trust. This space will also have to a satisfactory amount of privacy so that the young person in question can feel safe enough to really open up, as that is what we are trying to do – capture the child’s voice and build that trust and provide that confidential space and setting for them to do so. If we feel the space allocated to us isn’t appropriate we will let you know.
We work with children and young people between the ages of 8-19.
In our experience many young people often ask professionals “What do you know?” this is where our service differs from others as we have lived a life within the care system and without a mum and dad for the majority of our lives.
Combined with our professional experience and qualifications we are able to offer that shared life experience and offer advice and guidance based on real life and not just from a text book. We find that this resonates with young people because we as adults are able to open up to them they in turn open up to us.
Smash Life is also creative in its approach to mentoring and getting young people to open up. It is limiting to just sit in a room and ask a young person to just “talk about it” and this can be oppressive for some young people.
By bringing sport, music, games, walks, and trips to the Mentoring we have found they create better results and the young people actually enjoy and look forwards to the sessions. Please check out the various testimonials that you’ll see around the website written by young people Smash Life have mentored.
We at Smash Life are passionate about capturing the young person’s views and voice as this is something that is very often missed by professionals and organizations. Our mentoring is driven by their agenda and their voice, after all it is their lives we are seeking to improve.
This is also relevant to professionals, as many people working with young people also want to know how it feels to grow up in the care system. Some of the questions we are able to answer and more vitally share our inside knowledge on are: “How did you deal with your abuse and trauma ?”, “What makes a good foster carer?” , “How do I make a difference?” , “How did you survive all these years without a mum and dad?”, “What challenges did you face once you left the social care system?” amongst many many others. We believe our lived experience combined with our professional ones gives us a unique edge in this sector.
This is why we have been booked by many organisations around the UK and universities to provide lectures with key messages to Social Work, Youth & Community Development students, CEO’S, Managers and experienced professionals.
To see what people have thought of our service please take a look at the feedback section on this website by going to the bottom of the SERVICES page. Lots of positive Feedback can also be viewed via our various social media pages.
You can book the Smash Life Mentoring in blocks of one hour sessions for a minimum of ten sessions. This allows time to build up a trusting relationship with the young person in order for them to move forward, to overcome some of the obstacles that they may be facing (having either been identified in the initial referral or as a result of the young person opening up to us).
You can book further block sessions with us after the initial ten mentoring sessions but we will be asking the young person and professionals, carers also working and supporting that young person what the overall aim is going to be before agreeing to these .
Smash Life also provide reports for an additional small cost for every session we work with alongside the young person in question. This can to be shared with the referer, professionals or organisations working alongside that young person. We believe here at Smash Life that communication between professionals is very important for sharing positive outcomes, concerns and so that everyone is aware of the work being done.
We now also offer an NOCN Smash Life accreditation which we can complete with the young people alongside our fun mentoring sessions- Please note this qualification is offered to young people aged 11-18 years of age. This accreditation will incur an extra charge on top of our mentoring fees to cover all admin fees for when the completed work is put forward to the NOCN for marking.
What do we need from you?
For our mentoring to have the maximum impact we would require an appropriate lit space on your premises, enough space to talk and play games as we are very creative and don’t just expect young people to sit down in a clinical setting and talk about their problems for a whole hour. We like to stimulate discussions by doing various fun activities inside and outside to promote discussion, learning and trust. This space will also have to a satisfactory amount of privacy so that the young person in question can feel safe enough to really open up, as that is what we are trying to do – capture the child’s voice and build that trust and provide that confidential space and setting for them to do so. If we feel the space allocated to us isn’t appropriate we will let you know.
We are able to liaise with other professionals working with young people so that information is shared professionally, securely and appropriately. Time permitting we are also happy to attend professional meetings to plan and discuss the progress of the child / young person but please understand if we can not do this as this is not factored into the overall mentoring costs for our service. We can however if you make us aware of any meeting that concerns the young people we work alongside capture their voice or opinions and send that as part of our report to be fed into these meetings. We are fully aware having grown up in the care system ourselves that it can be very intimidating for young people to attend meetings with lots of other professionals in attendance.
Smash Life also provide reports for an additional small cost for every session we work with alongside the young person in our mentoring. This can to be shared with the referer, professionals or organisations working alongside that young person only. We believe here at Smash Life that communication between professionals is very important for sharing positive outcomes, concerns and so that everyone is aware of the work being done by all parties.
Smash Life can also provide reports for an additional small cost for every session we work alongside the young person you refer to us. This is to cover our time to complete them after each session. This can to be shared after each session with the referer, professionals or organisations working alongside that young person. We believe here at Smash Life that communication between professionals is very important for sharing positive outcomes, concerns and so that everyone is aware of the work being done and how the young person feels and so that their voice is always heard within the whole process which is the focal point of our work.
We are able to offer group work to young people and staff teams all over the UK. This can be a great way to engage more than one young person or professionals that you feel would benefit from a hard hitting Smash Life talk. What makes this unique is our delivery, humour and ability to connect and talk to young people/staff about an array of issues that might also be relevant to them and their individual or collective worlds.
We can make this an interactive experience by combining our talk with a prize winning quiz as well as a safe space for thoughts, questions and discussion afterwards. We have been booked by schools, charities and care homes to deliver one of our talks combined with activities afterwards which reiterates the key messages we try to get across within them. By using traditional youth work methods which involve fun activities to stimulate and engage our audience we have found that the mediums of music, sport, games and activities really make it a rewarding and fun for everyone.
An opportunity to meet the Smash Life brothers and talk one to one with them can also be offered after any group work. We have found that young people feel more comfortable away from their peers to talk to us which we understand and promote. Our unique life journey and open and honest stories shared from that enables us to relate and engage with the most hardest to reach young people. By showing our vulnerability we create an environment that allows others to feel comfortable to open up and share who they are, what challenges they face and who they wish to be.
We can be very flexible, creative and are happy to discuss all these options with you during the booking stage.
We are constantly being asked questions by professionals and organizations on how they can improve their practices/services to meet the needs of young people and this is something we are happy to answer.
We are able to be that independent third party who can:
- Impartially interview young people to obtain their views.
- Visit / stay at one of your care homes to get a feel of the environment and provide feedback/ recommendations to you.
- Meet with your staff to get their honest views and opinions (as this isn’t always captured by management for fear of reprisals).
- Meet with you to discuss ways in which you can move your service forwards so it has the needs of young people at the forefront of its agenda.
Consultation is charged via an hourly rate so please specify during the booking process what outcome you are looking for.
If consultation is not what your service or staff need please be aware that we can come into your organisation and deliver training or provide one of our Smash Life talks which includes key messages and theory when working with vulnerable young people. Please email us and we can discuss any training or talk content to meet your needs.
Here at Smash Life HQ we are passionate about safeguarding vulnerable young people , the very people we work with and come into contact with on a day to day basis. We think its great when organisations have robust safeguarding policies after all we all have the same aim – to keep young people safe.
All Staff at Smash Life have an enhanced DBS and these numbers can be presented to you and your organization upon our arrival at reception or sent to you via email beforehand.
We are very happy to confirm our identities upon arrival and wear a visitors badge for the duration of any visits, if required.
Please also take the time to scroll down our HOME page and read about each member of the Smash Life Team experience and backgrounds. This is to ensure you know exactly who you are asking to come into your place of work and work alongside you and the young people referred to us.
Any further information required by you or your organisation may delay us in actually working with the young people you want and have asked us to support. We will and have walked away from organisations that we believe have presented numerous and unnecessary bureaucratic barriers to stop us actually starting this vital work despite us clearly showing our Enhanced DBS numbers, who we are and signposting to those who have carried out our Enhanced DBS checks.
If you require or ask us for things like your own references, or another DBS check for example you will be invoiced directly by us for the cost of these and the additional admin time it will take for us to complete them.
If you are a Primary or Secondary School please be aware that you should be adhering to the guidelines set out in the Department for Educations Keeping Children Safe In Education Document.
Please note: Organisations who ask us for further information or ask to photocopy our certificates despite having been given our DBS numbers and seeing a copy of our certificate to go on the Single Central Record (SCR) should be aware of the following:
The DBS does not impose any rules on how organisations should handle information that you choose to disclose yourself. However under the new GPD rulings it is our understanding that if you do wish to see a copy of one of our staff members Enhanced DBS Certificates that you can do so, but you are not allowed to be copying it as this contains their personal information. You can record the date on which it’s been checked/approved but you should also be giving us a copy of your data protection policy and information on how you are processing your data .
All organisations have to follow the Data Protection Act 2018 in compliance with GDPR. As criminal record data is regarded as sensitive personal data under this legislation, you must have processes in place to ensure it is kept safe.
Yes Smash Life is fully insured with the following cover:
- Public Liability
- Employers Liability
Please ask if you require copies of the insurances at the booking stage.
Any sustained work agreed with us and a third party will result in us sending out a contract/ service level agreement which both parties will have to sign and agree to. This will outlined the agreed terms of our partnership and the expected roles/work to be carried out by both parties and can be referred to during our working relationship if needed.
You will receive an invoice for any work carried out by Smash Life from our accounts team to your contact or e-mail address. Full payment would normally be required within fourteen days of issue.