Foster Carer Training Feedback!
Last Friday Matt & Andy we’re invited to spend the day with foster carers from Nexus Fostering in Telford
We were able to use our lived experience and our many years in social care working alongside professionals and foster carers to deliver training which we hope educated, informed and inspired.
We loved our time with the foster carers – sometimes like the children we all support their may be an agenda to cover BUT sometimes it’s about creating a space for open, honest reflective conversations – we ALL learn and grow together and everyone’s input was 
We like to think our training is FUN, engaging and aso provides inspiration, motivation and practical solutions going forward – we want to continue to work in a sector that is solution focussed, raises practice and inspires each other.
When you really listen to peoples “WHY” for their reasons to foster it is inspiring. We must ensure their is support, training, motivation and inspiration to help people remember the why when other factors come into play – we owe it to the most amazing children we all collectively care for.
We had a great day and really appreciated the feedback we received afterwards.
Thank you Nexus – we are looking forward to discussions regarding us coming in to engage and inspire the children soon
We LOVE what we do – a combined 40 + years in social care and still feeling refreshed and hungry to make a difference 
“Overcoming Life’s Hurdles Together”

At Smash Life, we believe that true support for the children and young people we work with comes from a place of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Our ethos, “Leading from the Heart,” embodies our commitment to nurturing the potential of every child we work with.
We recognize that each child is unique, with their own dreams, challenges, and strengths. We are not just a support system; we are a family. Together, we are committed to smashing through obstacles and building a brighter future for our children, one heartfelt action at a time.