Primary School Smash Life Staff Training Feedback Just In!

Last Monday we had a lovely evening providing our “Through The Eyes Of A Child In Pain” CPD training for teachers, support staff and senior leadership at Millbrook Primary School in Telford. Despite already having been in work all day we were delighted with the commitment, engagement, energy and child centred passion shown by everyone attending. We were delighted with the feedback and we agree [...]

Smash Life Work With Year 6 Pupils On Secondary School Transition!

Smash Life We are delighted to see our work has made the Oswestry Advertizer We were approached by our friends at Woodside Primary School to deliver group work to year 6 pupils around how to prepare for life after primary education. Our awesome mentor Tim has been delivering a bespoke 6 week project and the children have been learning about growing up and moving on. [...]

Welcome to our Brand New Member of Staff Tim Allin

We are delighted to unveil our brand new team smash life member Tim Allin, who will be working with us to mentor young people, deliver training events and talks and provide group work in schools across Shropshire/West Midlands! Here is a little information about Tim and why we are so lucky to have him as part of the team! Tim had a challenging life growing [...]

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