‘It’s So Easy’ – The New Song From Smash Life written by director Matt (Sonnetsmith) and taken from his forthcoming album ‘Us Against The World’.
Growing up in the UK care system all Matt & Andy wanted was loving adults around them, to celebrate with them in the good times and to also support and walk with them in the harder times.
Unfortunately both brothers didn’t get those kind loving parents growing up so they learnt many life lessons the hard way as the trauma from their 8.5 years of abuse come out in their adulthood. Many important life lessons/positive mantras a lot of young people usually get passed down from their families.
We are urging you all to share this FREE RESOURCE, to play it to those young people, friends, and family members that may need to watch it and start those conversations around asking for help, triggers, social media, bullying, positive role models, being aware of our emotions and believing in yourself when all others around you may doubt you. Be the adults/friends they may need RIGHT NOW!
Special mentions to Lead Actor & Another Care Experienced Young Man Kev Hussani ,our very own incredible Smash Life Mentor Courtney Hutchinson, Head of Media Kev Bartlett, Camera Lady Suzanna Taylor & Actress Laura Broome. ❤️
‘Overcoming Life’s Hurdles Together’